On January 27, 2021, I was graced with the news that our first grandchild had been born. Ayden Oliver Thomas, aka “Little Fire,” made his grand entrance into our lives at 6:16 pm. He was not expected until March 19, so we were both elated and somewhat concerned about our “Little Fire.” But thanks be to God, his NICU stay was short and our little four-pounder came home on Super Bowl Sunday just in time for the game.
I will never forget the overwhelming love that flooded my heart when I first held my grandson and looked into his precious little face. He was so tiny and so vulnerable, all I wanted to do was cuddle him ever so closely to my heart. I wanted him to feel my heartbeat and connect with the Spirit of God within me. Oh, what love! At that moment, I understood what my friends who are grandmothers, had tried to explain. But there are no words to adequately describe this “grandmother love.” It’s a whole other level of love!
Every other week, my grandson and were together. Thanks to him, I have been introduced to the term “Liquid Gold”, 21st-century bottles and breast pumps, baby wipes warmers with night lights, Milk Snobs, and a car seat/stroller that’s my equivalent to a Land Rover. What a difference 40 years make!

Grandson and I had our little morning routine. I greet him with the “Good Morning” song and we sit at the patio door and say hello to God's creation. We give thanks to Abba for the gift of a new day and commit our trust in Him for daily bread. We sing our songs, Old MacDonald and I Am So Glad That Jesus Loves Me, and read a story when he wants to. Some mornings, Little Fire just wants to look out the door. And we do just that.
There are times that I sit and hold him and imagine the many things I hope we will experience together. I go to the stores and hang out in the children’s clothing section until I can justify any reason for purchasing another article of clothing or anything else for that matter, for him. When I eat my meals, I think about how his little tummy is adapting to his formula. When I wake up in the middle of the night, I wonder how he’s sleeping. At any time, I can find myself scrolling through the pics and videos on my phone and pausing to take in the joy of having him in my life. Although he doesn’t know it, Grandson is always on my mind.
And so it is with Abba. Whether I know it or not, I am always on His mind. He has plans for me to experience good things with Him. My welfare matters to him. He knows my vulnerabilities and the care that I need. When I look into Ayden’s eyes and he looks back at me, I imagine how Abba feels looking into mine. Oh, what love!
“Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion for the child she has born? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands…” Isaiah 49:15-16
Hi Wanda. Sounds like you have had a taste of heaven. The grandmother experience is one that words can't accurately describe.
My three grands are young adults now 26,24 &18. I can remember vividly the first times holding them, then looking at their hands for fingers and checking feet for all toes and making sure both ears matched, just quietly saying "Thank you Jesus".
I would often quietly pray their parents would raise them to be children filled with God's love and allow us to help instill values in them.
Enjoy these special moments and I can't wait to meet little Ayden.
Awww Wanda, What a great title for this piece. I've read it three times and just feel the love oozing from your heart to your little fire, Ayden. I guess I like crying to read it three times. lol. Ayden has brought great joy to so many of us. So thankful you have the opportunity to pour into his life at an early age. Ayden has willing (wonderful) parents that allow grandparents to do that; so many children don't have that. What kind of love is this? It is just like our Heavenly Father. So thankful that he is literally surrounded by teachers and will grasp and take hold of those things in due time. He won't forget them either!
Beautiful reflections from a grandmother. Cherish the time and the memories. What love for this beautiful addition to your family and appreciation for God our creator. Continue to enjoy these special moments. Blessings and prayers on this wonderful journey of family.
Good Morning
This was an awesome read. I can’t wait to meet Ayden. He is a God sent. Our family hasn’t had a baby in 22 years. Now God has blessed D’Najah and Oliver to have this amazing little Boy. I can’t wait to meet the little fella. Ayden you will be loved by many. We are glad your parents and Grandparents are sharing you with all of us. We will continual to pray for you and watch you grow.......
I am thankful for the life moments that provide us with deeper insight into the depth of God‘s love for us. I’m also very thankful that God has allowed you to be Ayden’s Noni for his journey. ❤️