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Laid to Rest

Writer: Wanda PendergrassWanda Pendergrass

My sister Sina was a jazzy lady who when complimented on her outfit would respond, "Girl, you know I gotta be lookin right!" Whether it was to work, the grocery store, a medical appointment, or church, she wasn’t going to wear anything wrinkled, tattered or faded. Sina also loved to decorate! She enjoyed decorating her home, venues for bridal showers, weddings, parties and made adorable themed gift baskets. My sister loved flowers and I love making sure that she has nice ones on her gravesite. It’s my way of saying, I’m going to keep you looking right girl! I appreciate the folk at Gethsemane Gardens for the care they give to families and the cemetery upkeep they provide. They understand the sacredness of our loved ones' resting place.

On my visit last week, I looked out over the vast number of gravesites, which also included my baby sister and mother-in-love. I thought about the incalculable number of loved ones connected to each grave. That visit got me to thinking about the freedom we have to control our religious and burial practices, here in the United States. Protestants, Catholics, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, every religion’s burial practices are respected. And those who are of no religious affiliation also have the freedom to control their burial practices and all burial sites are easily respected with one exception, the Original Americans.

As I looked out over that cemetery, I cried about how the Original Americans’ ancestors were torn away from their sacred places and burial grounds because Americans wanted what they had and would not share equally with them. I cried about treaties broken because Americans wanted control, land, and gold (Gold Rush of 1874). I cried about gravesites dug up with backhoes because Americans want a pipeline. I cried about burial sites being blasted because Americans want a wall. How can we regard the gravesites of our loved ones as sacred while devaluing the sacredness and worth of the resting places of their loved ones? As a nation, what made it possible for us to endorse this behavior and feel no remorse?

Matthew 12:35 tells us that a good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things, and an evil man out of his evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.

It’s not a bit complicated. Whatever is in our hearts is what we will bring forth. I asked the Father to forgive our trespasses against the Original Americans and to give the leaders of this nation, especially those who follow Christ, a heart to do right by them.

In the book, The Wisdom of the Native Americans, by Kent Nerburn, you'll read where Chief Red Jacket of the Seneca Nation in a meeting with a missionary said, “We do not wish to destroy your religion or to take it away from you. We only want to enjoy our own.” America has taken so much from the Original Americans. Can we not let their ancestors rest in peace?

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Unknown member
Jul 09, 2020

Thought provoking Wanda! We often take life for granted until we're faced with death. Where we lay to rest is not a priority until it's time. But when, where or how, should be respected. We should be able to rest until our Lord calls our name at His return. The emotions you expressed as you visited the cemetery to visit sweet Sina are understandable. The struggles of our ancestors while they lived should have at least been respected enough to let them rest in peace at death. Many believe that we go to heaven at death. That's not biblical. 1Thes 4 "the dead in Christ shall rise." 1Cor. 15 says we shall be changed at the twinkling of an eye."…


Thomas Carter
Jul 08, 2020

Nice article, one of these days America will valve places like gravesites, and greed and disrespect won’t guide us. But common respect For our loves ones will.


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