Our ability to love is limited by our own experiences. If we haven't known unconditional love, it's challenging to offer something we've never received.

Photo Credit - Nina Hill - Unsplash
Spending the day with a couple of dear friends gave me hours of meaningful conversation that seamlessly transitioned from one topic to the next, weaving together the present, cherished memories of the past, and our hopes and concerns for the future.
One of the topics of conversation was family. My friends come from big, close-knit families and their mothers were very nurturing, patient, and impactful! They talked about their moms being the most influential parent who taught them about unconditional love; love of God, love of self, love of family, and love of neighbor. Although their moms had never met, the values that they both instilled in their children and their parenting styles were remarkably similar. Throughout the conversation, one friend would jump in and say, “Yep, that’s how my mom was!” or “Yes, that’s what my mom did!” There were constant back-and-forth head nods affirming the stories either would tell.
My friends shared how their moms emphasized the importance of sibling love and family unity. Whether at school or home, they were encouraged to help each other with homework and chores and look out for one another. They were expected to get along and support each other. Their moms consistently reminded them that despite their differences, they were siblings and needed to work through disagreements while maintaining a strong bond of love. Their moms stressed the importance of unconditional love.
Many individuals serve as embodiments of unconditional love. Dads, foster parents, adoptive parents, grandparents, as well as other close relatives. And we can’t leave out spouses, partners, friends, or other people who are life’s gifts to us. One learns the meaning of unconditional love through encounters with both expected and unexpected people.
So, what is the significance or the importance of the source where people learn or experience unconditional love? The source is significant because it profoundly shapes one’s understanding of love and relationships.
When unconditional love is experienced from trusted and respected sources such as parents, family, mentors, or close friends, it lays a foundation for self-worth, emotional security, and the ability to love others without conditions.
Experiences of unconditional love influence a person’s ability to trust, form deep connections, and show empathy and compassion to others.
When unconditional love comes from unexpected sources, it can open a person’s heart and mind to recognize the inherent goodness in others.
The source of unconditional love can impact how a person navigates their world, responds to life’s challenges, and contributes to the well-being of others.
In the journey of life, it’s the people who come and walk alongside us with love, support, and joy that are our truest blessings. They remind us that the most important gift to be shared is love.
I leave you with two questions. First, from whom did you learn to love? And second, who are you showing, giving, and teaching unconditional love to?
Always encouraging reflection,
love this, Wanda. You didn't ask us to share here from whom and where we learned the gift of love, but I can boldly and confidently say that it was from my mother. My siblings and I are who we are today and share the bond we have between us because of our mother. I am eternally grateful to know how to love and how to receive love. Thank you for another Powerful read.
Thank you.
Wanda, as always you give a gift through your pen to others. For that I am grateful.